"deus ex machina" factor can get in the way, the episodes where they explained the conclusions character came to or explained how a problem was solved were much more fulfilling.Inconsistent animation, much of it is well done, but some distracting exceptions.Some shortcuts in the animation when dealing with characters seem from a distance, not a fan.The main character remains overly fearful even after he realizes his power and near immortality.

Diamond shapes pupils and irises are not my thing.Story arcs with resolution with the possibility for more. Introducing himself as Osamu Dazai, the would-be suicide victim has his colleague take Atsushi out for a meal."Good guys" and "Bad guys" are well balanced (in comparison to each other).Cafe owners's wife: Unknown female employee: The employee in which Dazai. Cafe's owner: He is a middle-aged man who always has a kind expression.
This is where the agency members sometimes hangout during their free time. It is located on the first floor of the building where the agency office is. One of the things that gets on Chuuyas nerves is how small he is in the world of Bungo Stray Dogs. Caf Uzumaki (, Uzumaki) is a cafe in Yokohama.